
Former national security adviser for VP Rachel Burke (Jamie Lee Curtis) Libby Lam (Tika Sumpter) signed off a highly controversial military action in the hopes of ending the war on terror. However, it resulted in the death of thousands of people. Four years later, she remains haunted by the truth, deciding to become a whistleblower. But as Rachel is now the US President, exposing the truth proves more complicated than she may have initially thought.
On paper, this political-thriller directed by Joe Chapelle seems more relevant now than ever before. Revolving around the consequences haunting a poor political decision, it resides perfectly well in our current era of vast political uncertainty. Four years after the decision mentioned above, the former adviser for the then vice president Rachel Burke now teaches at a university and opts to keep her life as technologically disconnected as she possibly can. However, as the memory continues to loom over her every day, she decides to become a whistleblower, opting to reveal the government sealed secrets through writing. However, Rachel, now president, wants to keep her quiet. With the complications arising from government officials wanting her to remain silent and one of her university students spying on her, Libby's life promises to be, for the lack of a better word, 'thrilling'. But this not the case. Its eerie resemblance to reality is not the only thing that makes this film quite an uncomfortable watch.
An Acceptable Loss, like many films of the genre, hones itself amongst a bleak aesthetic stuck within the hues of greys and blues. But Chapelle's offering does not have an interesting enough script to balance it out. Instead, the film always feels like its meandering on and on, with no real destination or crescendo. Having Jamie Lee Curtis as a political powerhouse is, of course, casting at its finest. But the actor is not given enough to work with, not even the prospect of Jamie Lee Curtis as president of the United States can save this underwhelming political-thriller.
Cast choice- Turn Down (5/10)
Jamie Lee Curtis is vastly underused and Tika Sumpter's leading role seems underdeveloped.
Script- Turn Down (5/10) ​
Originality- Turn Up(6/10)​
Despite the underdeveloped characters, it's still an interesting topic to explore in this current political climate.
Would we watch again?
With its flat grey hues and un-extraordinary acting, it's hard to see why a second viewing would be necessary for this political thriller.
Turn-ups and turn-downs?

Turn up reviews recommend you to TURN UP an invite to this film.

So should you TURN UP to see this movie or TURN DOWN an invite?

Review by Graciela Mae